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Sitemap HTML VS Sitemap XML

Sitemap HTML VS Sitemap XML: What are Sitemaps in SEO & Types of Sitemaps

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By term sitemap, we understand that this term refers to the map of our website. We use a map on our website so our visitors should easily navigate around our website.

This article will discuss everything about sitemap HTML VS Sitemap XML. We will learn different types of sitemaps in SEO and then we will discuss how we can submit and create these sitemaps.

What is Sitemap in SEO

A sitemap is a list of all URLs of our website. In easy words, it is a wall to tell search engine crawlers what and where the content is available.

Types of Sitemaps in SEO

Sitemap HTML VS Sitemap XML

There are two types of sitemaps in SEO.

  1. Sitemap XML: For Search Engines
  2. Sitemap HTML: For our Visitors

What is Sitemap XML in SEO

Sitemap XML is a file that lists all the important pages (which we want to be indexed) for the search engine’s crawler. So after reading that file, the Search Engine’s crawler can easily crawl and then index those important pages of our website. Remember that we use Sitemap XML for the crawler.

How to Create Sitemap XML

There are various SEO plugins (for WordPress Websites) and there are many trustful websites to generate or create Sitemap XML for our Website. The sitemap XML of is created by an SEO plugin, which is Rank Math.

In this article, I will teach you how to create sitemap XML from Rank Math Plugin and I will also list some of the popular websites to generate sitemap XML.

Websites to Create Sitemap XML

Step 1: Enter your Website URL and click start.

Step 1: Enter your Website URL and click start.

Step 2: Wait for some minutes.

Step 2: Wait for some minutes.

Step 3: Click View Sitemap Details

Step 3: Click View Sitemap Details

Step 4: Download your Sitemap

Step 4: Download your Sitemap

Create Sitemap using Rank Math

Step 1: Open your WordPress Dashboard

Step 2: Go to Rank Math and then click on Sitemap Settings

Step 2 Go to Rank Math and then click on Sitemap Settings

Step 3: Click on the link to view your Sitemap

Step 3 Click on the link to view your Sitemap

What is Sitemap HTML in SEO

HTML Sitemap is also a list of the main pages on our website, but this sitemap is not for search engines. Sitemap HTML is created for the visitors, so they should easily navigate around our website and find their desired page.on our website.

So remember that sitemap XML is used for search engines, while sitemap HTML is created for our audience.

When We Should Create Sitemap HTML

Now we will discuss a widely asked question, which is ‘Which website should create sitemap HTML’ or ‘When should a website create a sitemap’.

You should create a sitemap when your website has a lot of pages. No one can tell you the exact number of pages. You should understand by yourself that when you have to create an HTML Sitemap. Mostly we create a sitemap when we realize that our visitors can be confused while navigating around our website.

I (Digital Mustafa) have a sitemap, although it has very less pages. Why I created a Sitemap?

Many SEO Experts believe that by adding a Sitemap HTML to your website, the chances for Google Adsense Approval, increase.

How to Create Sitemap HTML

Step 1: Create a New Page in your WordPress Website, named Sitemap

Step 1 Create a New Page in your WordPress Website, named Sitemap

Step 2: Install a plugin called Simple Sitemap.

Step 2  Install a plugin called Simple Sitemap.

Step 3: Add the Sitemap Block to your Sitemap Page

Step 3: Add the Sitemap Block to your Sitemap Page


So this was an article in which we covered everything about sitemaps. Now you would be thinking that I didn’t tell you how to submit a sitemap to Google or other search engines. Don’t worry, because this is a separate topic and I will create an article on this topic soon.

Hope you learned something valuable today, Thanks!

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